
RA 2023
13 May 2024

2023 annual report

Helping victims of violence in couples: our goal, in 2023 as always! Thanks to the faithful, benevolent and indispensable support of the State, the City of Geneva, the...

Tote Bag La Redoute x AVVEC
8 March 2024

Tote bag solidaire, édition 2024

Une fois de plus, La Redoute a souhaité renouveler son engagement en faveur de l’amélioration de la condition des femmes en créant un sac solidaire. Cette année, ce dernier a un...

27 April 2023

Annual report 2022

After a pivotal year 2021, AVVEC has continued its momentum in 2022! Thanks to a substantial additional cantonal subsidy through a 2021/2024 Performance Contract, and to the...

17 June 2020

Face to face counselling available again.

After maintaining our support to victims of intimate partner’s violence during the lockout, we are pleased to inform you that face to face individual counselling is now available...

18 March 2020

AVVEC proceeds with its action

During the present health and sanitary crisis, the association will do everything it can to continue supporting victims of domestic violence. We have put in place a plan of...

11 June 2019

AVVEC speaks English!

Endeavouring for over 40 years to help victims of domestic violence, our association is now at the service of the entire anglophone community in Geneva. From now on, you can find...

29 January 2019

Intimate partner violence is young people's business too!

In partnership with FAPPO (Fédération des associations des parents du post-obligatoire), our association launched its Youth and abusive relationship campaign in a joint conference...